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Compositions by Rishab Sharma

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Here is the modern day Charlie Chaplin in India. Charlie Chaplin himself was descended from Roma on his mother's side, a gypsy people who are descendants from certain tribes in India, such as the  Banjarra tribe. Vishnu is Banjarra, born in a village outside Hyderabad, India. A curious affinity for Charlie Chaplin movies drew him into character....and so we begin here, Charlie awakens on the permaculture farm where Vishnu has been learning permaculture design and making friends along the way. Rishab Sharma is a sitarist from India, the youngest disciple of the legendary Ravi Shankar. Exposed to music in his formative years, Rishab Sharma had a chance to learn from great improvisers from across the world. His musical journey began with playing small gatherings and he has now gone on to perform solos for national TV and concert halls. We are lucky to have him put music to our film!

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